Friday, 14 September 2012
Next generation-BLOGGER springhill care group
In USA TODAY's article "The underlying duel of 2012: Seniors vs. Millennials,"
GOP volunteer Immo Sulyok is quoted saying about Election Day: "I'll be there,
or I'll be dead." As will I, but my vote will be for President Obama ("A defining
gap: Seniors for Romney, Millennials for Obama")
I believe that our major concern should be educating our young. It is
unbelievably arrogant for seniors like me to worry about only our welfare,
finances and health. We had our day in the sun. The future generation is being
short-changed by cuts in education spending and the increasing cost of higher
education. We are witnessing the dumbing-down of America.
There is also so much misinformation floating around about the Affordable Care
Act and so much we mere citizens do not understand. Many rely on radio or TV
talk-show hosts to teach us, and unfortunately, the hosts "teach" their opinions.
Perhaps we should still think for ourselves.
Joan LaRose; San Diego
Older voters remember
There is a different sense of history that divides Millennials and those 65 and
older. Older voters remember the Cuban missile crisis, the Cold War and the hot
Korean War and Vietnam conflict.
Seniors served and sacrificed in Korea and Vietnam to defend the free world
against communism. They have seen what communism wrought in Eastern
Europe and Asia.
This brave generation will vote in droves for Mitt Romney to prevent President
Obama from transforming a free America into a socialist or communist one.
Paul Hoylen Jr.; Deming, N.M.
Elderly rely on entitlements
The great majority of older Americans are expected to vote for Mitt Romney,
the Republican nominee for president, in the upcoming election. Ironically,
most of these senior citizens depend heavily on Social Security and Medicare for
survival. Both of these programs were enacted by Democratic presidents and
Congresses controlled by Democrats! What are these seniors thinking?
Bob Hamlett; Nashville
GOP plan causes concerns
While I am 65 years old, I do not support Mitt Romney or any Republican.
("The underlying duel of 2012 Seniors vs. Millennials"). It is surprising to me
that any senior thinks otherwise, given Rep. Paul Ryan's proposed budget that
would mean deep spending cuts.
Also, while President Obama might want to keep lower college loan interest
rates, the task is ultimately that of Congress.
Finally, if Republican volunteer Beverly Rubin, 62, does not want socialized
medicine, then I expect her to not participate in Medicare once she turns 65.
Brian Hoover; Independence, Mo.
Springhill Care Group: Region's Aging Population-BLOGGER springhill care ...
Region's Aging Population-BLOGGER springhill care group
As the rapid aging of Asia's population creates challenges for governments and
societies, new opportunities are emerging for businesses serving the needs of the
elderly and their caretakers.
While population aging is a global phenomenon, the Asian-Pacific region is
expected to see a particularly drastic demographic change over the next few
decades. The number of elderly persons in the region—already home to more
than half of the world's population aged 60 and over—is expected to triple to
more than 1.2 billion by 2050, when one in four people in the region will be
over 60 years old, according to the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
Across Asia, large corporations and entrepreneurs in various industries are racing
to come up with new products and services for the elderly, while health-care-
related businesses are seeing soaring demand. Among various fields of health
care for the elderly, nursing homes represent one of the fastest-growing sectors.
In Japan, companies that previously had little to do with the issue of aging have
jumped on the bandwagon. In 2005, Watami Co., which operates Japanese-
style izakaya pubs serving food and drinks, entered a new business of running
nursing homes. In the most recent fiscal year, the nursing business was more
profitable than its izakaya business. Demand for Watami's new business is robust
because Japan's population is the world's grayest, according to a 2009 United
Nation report, with nearly 30% aged 60 or older.
Other parts of Asia, such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and
Singapore, are also anticipating a surge in the percentage of elderly citizens. In
China, people over the age of 60 now account for 13.3% of the country's
population of 1.34 billion, up from 10.3% in 2000, according to the National
Bureau of Statistics, and the aging trend is expected to accelerate.
In January, China's state-run Xinhua news agency wrote about challenges facing
nursing homes, saying "there are simply not enough nurses or beds to
accommodate the country's elderly population."
Monday, 30 July 2012
In new effort to tackle health care fraud, government and insurers to scrutinize claims data-livejournal-blogger
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is upping the ante in the fight against health care fraud, joining forces with private insurers and state investigators on a scale not previously seen in an attempt to stanch tens of billions of dollars in losses.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement Thursday that the new public-private partnership “puts criminals on notice that we will find them and stop them,” while Attorney General Eric Holder called it “a critical step forward” against fraud, an endemic problem plaguing programs like Medicare and Medicare as well as private insurance companies.
Details of the collaboration remain to be worked out, but the possibilities include sharing information on new fraud schemes as they pop up, using claims data to catch scams such as payments billed to different insurers on the same day for care purportedly delivered to the same patient in different cities, and using computer analysis to spot emerging patterns of fraud. The agreement is also unusual because it brings the Obama administration and longtime foes in the insurance industry together to tackle a common problem.
While carrying out the requirements of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law, insurers are also lobbying to roll back some of its provisions, such as new taxes on the industry and cuts to private plans offered through
Medicare. Obama continues to rail against industry “abuses.” Fraud is estimated to cost Medicare about $60 billion a year, and the Obama administration has beefed up the government’s efforts to stop it, bringing in record settlements with drug companies for marketing violations as well as using new powers in the health care law to pursue low-level fraudsters with greater zeal.
Feds: Crestwood chiropractic center padded patient bills-livejournal-blogger
ST. LOUIS • A Crestwood chiropractic center, the chiropractor and an employee have been indicted for billing insurance companies for work that was never done, federal prosecutors said Wednesday. Dr. Anthony Calandro, 55, of Chesterfield, and his billing assistant, Sherry Rueter, 62, of St. Louis County, billed insurance companies for X- rays that were never taken and appointments that had been canceled or
missed, prosecutors said. The charges are the result of two undercover investigations in 2010 and 2011, they said. Calandro, Rueter and the Chiropractic Accident Centre each face one felony count of health care fraud and four felony counts of making false statements related to health care services. "Dr. Calandro has been working diligently with the federal authorities to address reconciliation of the billing issues and will continue to do so despite the indictment," said Albert Watkins, Calandro's attorney.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Morsi as Democratic Egypt’s Leader
Egypt’s new president Mohamed Morsi is reconsidering the peace agreement with Israel and ties with Iran in an attempt to build a strategic balance in the region.
Morsi was quick to announce that all issues will be addressed by governmental bodies as he will not make decisions on his own, according to Springhill Group Home.
“Part of my agenda is the development of ties between Iran and Egypt that will create a strategic balance in the region.”
Morsi has convened with his advisors to form a new Cabinet prior to his swearing-in on Saturday as the first freely-elected leader. On the other hand, the defeated candidate Ahmed Shafik was found to have left the Egypt in the midst of mounting fraud charges against him since his time as the nation’s civil aviation minister.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate has pledged to become a leader for all Egyptians.
“I will be a president for all Egyptians. I call on you, great people of Egypt… to strengthen our national unity — the only way out of these difficult times,” Morsi said hours following his being declared the new president.
Egypt has breathed a collected sigh of relief when the election and proclamation have finished without the feared bloodshed. Morsi’s triumph, also marking Egypt’s first fair and free election in the modern times, followed almost 2 years of political upheavel and civil unrest from Hosni Mubarak’s military-rule.
Britain, France, US and the European Union have deemed the democratic election and the winning civilian president as significant parts of Egypt’s history. The US in particular has encouraged Morsi to continue Egypt’s transition to democracy that began last year.
However, even if Morsi has already resigned from the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt when he was elected, Israel is still worried of him for his Islam affiliations that could possibly endanger the peace of the two neighboring nations. And although the foreign ministry of Iran has acknowledged Morsi’s win, there is no hint of diplomatic relationship resumption on their side.
A former head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party and a former member of Egypt’s parliament won against Hosni Mubarak’s Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik by a 4% margin.
Springhill Group - About Us
Springhill Group look to cater to the special requirements of each person citizen and any changing circumstances that occur throughout their time living in our care. This gives families the comfort that their loved one has the support and care.
We fully understand a need to a place that residents will be proud to call their home is what they require most. All are built in attractive locations, nestled amongst existing communities, so our residents can easily retain their ties with their families.
Springhill Care offers retirees the finest in clinical care, while receiving the positive aspects of living in our cozy and comfortable community.
Email us now at
Monday, 16 July 2012
springhill group south korea, springhill group: Learn what a CFE can do for you - The-looser-it-s-me
You may find you need an objective expert to deter potential problems, investigate allegations or provide resolution.
A Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) offers anti-fraud knowledge and skills you need to:
• Recommend strong anti-fraud internal controls
• Conduct interviews related to sensitive issues
• Provide assistance with

• Resolve irregularities discovered during your company’s audit
• Provide expert testimony on financial and investigative matters
Fraud Examiners have a unique set of skills that are not found in any other discipline; they combine knowledge of complex financial transactions with an understanding of law, criminology, investigation and how to resolve allegations of fraud.
• Criminology & Ethics
• Legal Elements of Fraud
• Fraud Investigation
Heightened fraud awareness, combined with new laws and regulations, has increased the already growing demand in the workforce for professionals who are highly skilled at deterring, detecting and investigating fraud.
Upcoming auditions at the Boiler Room, Pull-Tight and more - The-looser-it-s-me
There will be an open call for the Brighton Beach Memoirs at the Boiler Room
Theatre (230 Franklin Rd., Bldg Six, Franklin) on March 21st at 2 PM. Unlike
their usual by-appointment audition process, all auditionees need to attend the
open call at 2 PM. Actors will read from the script in groups; no need to
prepare any audition material. Call backs will be held the same day. Bring (2)
copies each of your headshot and resume. The show is scheduled to run My 7th
through the 29th.
For audition questions, call 615-794-7744.
Auditions for Pull-Tight's Father of the Bride will be held Sunday and Monday,
April 11 and 12 at 7:00 pm at the Pull-Tight Theatre. There are 13 roles
available. 1 man age 40-55, 3 women age 40-55, 2 women age 18-25, 2 men
age 18-25, and 2 boys age 12-15. There are additional smaller roles for men or
women of any age.
Auditions will consist of readings from the script.
For more information, please contact director Alan Mancuso directly at 708-
6288 (cell) or 794-4045 (home).
Actors, reenactors and muscians are desired for a Performance Reading of
Scathe: A Civil War Incident in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Auditions will be held
Friday, March 19, 7-9 PM and Saturday, March 20, 9-11 PM. Call Backs will be
held Monday 7-8:30 PM. Daytime auditions may be by appointment.
The auditions will be held at the Heron Center, located at the Tennessee
Children’s Home (TCH) at 5350 Main Street Spring Hill. 12 men and 7 women
ages 18 to 60+.
Rehearsals begin after Easter. Performances are scheduled for May 6-8.
Scathe is a play with music to be performed as an Outdoor Historical Drama. It
concerns the civil war, a love triangle, conspiracy and murder. There is no pay
but performers will receive a copy of the performance for their portfolio.
For more information contact Deanne Collins at
springhill group south korea, springhill group: Learn what a CFE can do for you
You may find you need an objective expert to deter potential problems, investigate allegations or provide resolution.
A Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) offers anti-fraud knowledge and skills you need to:
• Recommend strong anti-fraud internal controls
• Conduct interviews related to sensitive issues
• Provide assistance with

• Resolve irregularities discovered during your company’s audit
• Provide expert testimony on financial and investigative matters
Fraud Examiners have a unique set of skills that are not found in any other discipline; they combine knowledge of complex financial transactions with an understanding of law, criminology, investigation and how to resolve allegations of fraud.
• Criminology & Ethics
• Legal Elements of Fraud
• Fraud Investigation
Heightened fraud awareness, combined with new laws and regulations, has increased the already growing demand in the workforce for professionals who are highly skilled at deterring, detecting and investigating fraud.
• Implement effective anti-fraud controls
• Continuously improve anti-fraud measures based on new risks and technologies
• Educate employees to deter fraud and report wrongdoing
• Resolve allegations or suspicions of fraud
• Assist in the recovery of fraud losses
The standards for CFE certification are set by the ACFE’s Board of Regents, who are elected by CFE members and drawn from the most experienced members of the profession. CFE candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and posses two or more years of professional experience in a field related to fraud deterrence and detection.
As leaders who inspire public confidence in the integrity and objectivity of the profession, CFEs adhere to the Certified Fraud Examiners Code of Professional ethics.
The code includes:
• Diligence in performance
• Avoidance of conflict of interest
• Testifying truthfully and without bias or prejudice
• Complete confidentiality
• Revelation of all material matters discovered during an examination
• Continued effort to increase the competence and effectiveness of professional services performed under his or her direction
Upcoming auditions at the Boiler Room, Pull-Tight and more
There will be an open call for the Brighton Beach Memoirs at the Boiler Room
Theatre (230 Franklin Rd., Bldg Six, Franklin) on March 21st at 2 PM. Unlike
their usual by-appointment audition process, all auditionees need to attend the
open call at 2 PM. Actors will read from the script in groups; no need to
prepare any audition material. Call backs will be held the same day. Bring (2)
copies each of your headshot and resume. The show is scheduled to run My 7th
through the 29th.
For audition questions, call 615-794-7744.
Auditions for Pull-Tight's Father of the Bride will be held Sunday and Monday,
April 11 and 12 at 7:00 pm at the Pull-Tight Theatre. There are 13 roles
available. 1 man age 40-55, 3 women age 40-55, 2 women age 18-25, 2 men
age 18-25, and 2 boys age 12-15. There are additional smaller roles for men or
women of any age.
Auditions will consist of readings from the script.
For more information, please contact director Alan Mancuso directly at 708-
6288 (cell) or 794-4045 (home).
Actors, reenactors and muscians are desired for a Performance Reading of
Scathe: A Civil War Incident in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Auditions will be held
Friday, March 19, 7-9 PM and Saturday, March 20, 9-11 PM. Call Backs will be
held Monday 7-8:30 PM. Daytime auditions may be by appointment.
The auditions will be held at the Heron Center, located at the Tennessee
Children’s Home (TCH) at 5350 Main Street Spring Hill. 12 men and 7 women
ages 18 to 60+.
Rehearsals begin after Easter. Performances are scheduled for May 6-8.
Scathe is a play with music to be performed as an Outdoor Historical Drama. It
concerns the civil war, a love triangle, conspiracy and murder. There is no pay
but performers will receive a copy of the performance for their portfolio.
For more information contact Deanne Collins at
Friday, 20 April 2012
Group of Springhill South Korea: The Laziest Scams in Internet History: Zimbio
Gary Mason's Blogspot: Group of Springhill South Korea: The Laziest Scams in Internet History
Monday, 9 April 2012
Springhill Group Korea Insurer
Saturday, 7 April 2012
News Center - Springhill Group Home Loans
Monday, 2 April 2012
News - Springhill Group Florida Home Care
News : Springhill Group Korea Insurer
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
SPRINGHILL GROUP - Call for Minister for Older People backed
AN ACCRINGTON care home has backed the Mayor of Hyndburn after she launched a campaign calling for a Minister for Older People. Springhill Care Group, which runs Springhill Care Home in Fairfield Street, said it agreed with Councillor Colette McCormack that government action was ‘urgently needed’ to focus on the issues facing the UK’s growing population of older people. There are now over 14million people in the UK aged 60 and above, more than the number under 18. The number of people aged 60 or over is expected to pass the 20million mark by 2031, and there are expected to be more than a million people with dementia by 2021. Ken Nolan, chairman of Springhill Care Group, which also runs homes in Skelmersdale and Bristol, said: “We are joining the lobby to establish a dedicated Minister for Older People, and by that we mean commitment at government level to issues including resourcing good quality care, housing and finance. Heating Systems Explained
The Boiler A conventional boiler heats up the water which is circulated through radiators to provide heat. The water also circulates through a coil in the hot water tank, which in turn heats up the rest of the water in the cylinder to provide running hot water. If your boiler is a 'combi' boiler then the water is heated instantaneously when the hot water taps are switched on. The thermostat on the boiler controls the temperature of the water circulating around the system. Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions for the optimum setting of the thermostat. Hot Water Tank Most hot water cylinders have a thermostat; this is recommended to be set at 60�C. To retain as much heat as possible the cylinder should have 80mm of insulation. Radiators Radiators are most commonly used in "wet" (uses water) central heating systems. The water is heated by the boiler and travels through the radiators, giving out heat. TRVs are found on radiators in ro, 14 March 2012
Springhill CareGroup: Springhill Care Group: Fool Fridge/ Land Of Serious Topics | News - Springhill Group Florida Home Care
Guns don’t kill people; people kill people; and people with guns kill even more people.
They also save more people who would otherwise be at the mercy of the criminals.
SPRINGHILL TOWNSHIP, Pa. — An 85-year-old great-grandmother in Fayette County busted a would-be burglar by pulling a gun, then forcing him to call for help while she kept him in her sights.…
Venus Ramey, 82, confronted a man on her farm in south-central Kentucky last week after she saw her dog run into a storage building where thieves had previously made off with old farm equipment.
Ramey said the man told her he would leave. “I said, ‘Oh, no you won’t,’ and I shot their tires so they couldn’t leave,” Ramey said.
She had to balance on her walker as she pulled out a snub-nosed .38-caliber handgun.
“I didn’t even think twice. I just went and did it,” she said. “If they’d even dared come close to me, they’d be 6 feet under by now.”,2933,267540,00.html
Hancock County Sheriff’s Investigator Andre Fizer said about an 84-year-old man’s decision to shoot through a house door at another man who was trying to barge into the house: “You could tell he was devastated. You could tell he was scared.” And rightfully so. Twenty-year-old Wade Ledesma made repeated attempts to break in to the house at about 5 a.m. on July 27, threatening to kill him throughout.
Ledesma “tried to break through the front door and also tried to enter through a back door and a rear window of the residence. The resident called 911 and reported that the intruder was trying to force his way into the home…. [The elderly man] held himself against the door to keep [Ledesma] from entering,” reported the Sun Herald.
The resident became tired from holding the door and, worded about his and his wife’s safety, asked his wife to get his pistol. He fired a shot through the door, meant to merely be a warning shot, and he hit Ledesma in the leg.…
And those are just the obvious cases.
A few years ago I was at a talk by a Jewish man from Poland who survived WWII because he was able to escape his home before the Nazis rounded them up and was able to get a gun from a family friend. He said that without a weapon he would not have been able to join the partisans and remain safe. He also would not have survived his first night home after the war as some of his “neighbors” knocked on the door in the middle of the night to “invite” him to join them for a party to celebrate his return. He had his rifle with him and leveled at the men during the conversation as he explained to them that he was tired and would prefer staying home…They didn’t press the matter. But he left the next day and never returned. He heard a few days later that a friend of his was not so prepared and was killed by the “neighbors”.
The movie “Defiance” is yet another reminder to Jews that weapons are not something to fear, but to have handy.
In 1928, five years before the rise of Hitler, Germany’s freely elected government enacted a “Law on Firearms and Ammunition.” This law required anyone who owned a firearm, or who wanted to own a firearm, to make themselves known to the authorities. Anyone who wanted to purchase a firearm had to get a “Firearms Acquisition Permit.” If you needed ammunition, you had to get an “Ammunition Acquisition Permit.” When you wanted to go hunting, you had to get an “Annual Hunting Permit.” Every firearm that changed hands professionally had to have a serial number and the maker’s or dealers name stamped into the metal. “Proof of need” was made a condition for issuance of all licenses, not just the carry permit. Mandatory prison sentences were imposed on anyone who professionally sold or transferred a firearm or ammunition without a license. Truncheons and stabbing weapons were subject to the same licensing requirements as firearms, in terms of their manufacture and sale.
As a result of the 1928 Law, all firearms and firearms owners were registered. To take firearms from anyone they distrusted, the Nazis simply did not renew permits. Under the law, their privately created law, the Nazis could now easily confiscate all firearms and ammunition from any, or all, selected groups. The gun law of 1928 had served the Nazis well. It made almost all law abiding firearms owners known to the authorities. The 1928 law on firearms and ammunition helped the Nazis to destroy democracy in Germany, by disarming the law abiding majority, whom they feared.…
A right to bear arms is the fundamental right of every law-abiding person to acquire the means to protect themselves even from their own government. One of the first things a government does when it wants to control its citizenry is to control their access to the weapons they need to defend themselves.
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Saturday, 21 January 2012
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Springhill Care - Jan 10, 2012 - Public
Springhill Care Group: Fool Fridge/ Land Of Serious Topics | News - Springhill Group Florida Home Care
Guns don’t kill people; people kill people; and people with guns kill even more people.
They also save more people who would otherwise be at the mercy of the criminals.
SPRINGHILL TOWNSHIP, Pa. — An 85-year-old great-grandmother in Fayette County busted a would-be burglar by pulling a gun, then forcing...
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Springhill Care Group: Fool Fridge/ Land Of Serious Topics | News - Springhill Group Florida Home Care
SPRINGHILL TOWNSHIP, Pa. -- An 85-year-old great-grandmother in Fayette County busted a would-be burglar by pulling a gun, then forcing him to call for help while she kept him in her sights.
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Jan 11, 2012 +3
Springhill Care Group :: Care2 Groups (Health & Wellness)
Springhill Group Care – Providing for all levels of care, balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff.
…golden age living and health care at its very best…
At Springhill Care Group, our attitude is to exceed the expectations of our residents and their friends, that offer balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff.
At Springhill Care Group, we firmly believe in safeguarding the interests of our clients and we pride ourselves on offering the most resident friendly environment.
Living and Care Options
Springhill Group living and care options are available depending on what the residents need and prefer.
Independent Living
The independent accommodations are occupied for those who wish to maintain a significant standard of flexibility, but also value the friendly relationship, the security, recreational facilities, and care that is provided by to them.
The homes are designed to allow residents simple and easy household management encircled by warm and friendly neighbours
Assisted Living
Assisted Living is desirable to people who need a little extra care with their everyday living. You will also find here theflexibility and security of owning your personal space, to have your valuable possessions and things around you.
Resthome Level Care
Resthome level care in a Ryman Village, offers residents the very best in clinical care, while receiving the benefits of living in our warm and welcoming community.
Springhill Care Group on Tumblr - SPRINGHILL GROUP
Springhill Group Care – Providing for all levels of care, balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff. …golden age living and health care at its very best… At Springhill Care Group, our attitude is to exceed the expectations of our residents and their friends, that offer balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff. At Springhill Care Group, we firmly believe in safeguarding the interests of our clients and we pride ourselves on offering the most resident friendly environment.
Springhill Group look to cater to the special requirements of each person citizen and any changing circumstances that occur throughout their time living in our care. This gives families the comfort that their loved one has the support and care.
We fully understand a need to a place that residents will be proud to call their home is what they require most. All are built in attractive locations, nestled amongst existing communities, so our residents can easily retain their ties with their families.
Springhill Care offers retirees the finest in clinical care, while receiving the positive aspects of living in our cozy and comfortable community.
Email us now at
SpringhillCareG - Twiter: Springhill Group
Springhill Group Care – Providing for all levels of care, balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff.
…golden age living and health care at its very best…
At Springhill Care Group, our attitude is to exceed the expectations of our residents and their friends, that offer balanced with impressive facilities and exceptional staff.
At Springhill Care Group, we firmly believe in safeguarding the interests of our clients and we pride ourselves on offering the most resident friendly environment.
Springhill Group look to cater to the special requirements of each person citizen and any changing circumstances that occur throughout their time living in our care. This gives families the comfort that their loved one has the support and care.
We fully understand a need to a place that residents will be proud to call their home is what they require most. All are built in attractive locations, nestled amongst existing communities, so our residents can easily retain their ties with their families.
Springhill Care offers retirees the finest in clinical care, while receiving the positive aspects of living in our cozy and comfortable community.
Email us now at